Completed Orders
Shipping within 5 minutes to 24 hours after order receipt.
The same license, better price.
Varius eu at volutpat tristique ut commodo tellus neque.

Used licenses
Access full-featured Microsoft licenses while saving over 50%. Choose used licenses from Soft360 – the same product at a better price.

Discover our offer
Oferujemy szeroką gamę licencji OLP na produkty Microsoft. Obejmuje to takie produkty jak: Windows Server, SQL Server, Microsoft Office i Exchange Server.

Become a reseller
Sell used Microsoft software licenses independently and help your customers save. You handle the sales; we handle the delivery and support.

You can also sell your Microsoft licenses to us!
If you’re no longer using your Microsoft software, you can fill out the form below and sell your licenses to us.
Soft360 sells used Microsoft licenses, saving customers up to 70%.
Used Microsoft licenses are genuine and affordably priced. The software’s condition remains unchanged.
We verify the authenticity of licenses, ensuring complete safety for your purchases.
We aim to process all orders within 15 minutes to 24 hours.
No steps available.